Annual concert of the Czech Academic Choir – 20th anniversary of its foundation

Dear friends of choral singing.
We cordially invite you all to the Annual Concert of the Czech Academic Choir organized at anniversary of its founding.
The concert will take place on Wednesday, April 17, 2024, from 7:00 p.m. in the Besední dům in Brno.
The concert program will include great oratorical works:
- Christopher Tin – To Shiver the Sky (Czech premiere)
- Antonín Dvořák – Te Deum Op. 103
They act:
- Czech Academic Choir | Brno
- Brno Philharmonic
- Lenka Cafourková – soprano
- Tomáš Kořínek – tenor
- Igor Loškár – baritone
Conductor – Michal Vajda
Above all, all former members of the choir, closest collaborators, accompanists and partners of the choir are invited to the concert.
It is expected that before the concert, during the break and after the end of the concert, all the participants of the concert in the foyer of the Besední dom will want to share their impressions of both the musical experience and the meeting with friends-choristers after several years.
Advance ticket sales are at: TIC BRNO.
We look forward to you!